Message from Dean Maureen Grasso

By: Cynthia Adams | Photos by: Nancy Evelyn

Dean Maureen Grasso, portrait in Russell Library entrance

When our first magazine published in the fall of 2005, I wrote about the pleasure of being first. Maybe you are the first to attend the University of Georgia or the fi rst in your family to  attend graduate school. Now, eight years later, I want to be the first to thank you for responding with open hearts. I want to thank you for investing in graduate education, which is tantamount to investing in this country, and the shared future of our children and grandchildren.

So many of you have said yes and supported the high endeavor that is represented by this great institution. In these pages, we once again share stories of extraordinary dreams, sometimes extraordinary struggles, too. These stories typify UGA.

It is always gratifying to participate in graduation ceremonies each year. In so many ways, each student that crosses the stage on graduation day represents a story yet to be told, and an intellectual journey undertaken.

As we imprint their names on the diploma, we enter their names into the roster of amazing alums that will further impact our collective futures. This year, we recognized the first recipients of Graduate School Alumni of Distinction Awards. I am honored to be shown below with some of the recipients.

2013 Graduate School Alumni of Distinction pictured in late 2013: Top Row (L-R): Carl E. Swearingen, Thomas L. Lyons, Richard J. Cebula, Philip G. Bartley Jr., Donald K. Ingram. Bottom Row (L-R): Maureen Grasso (Dean of the Graduate School), Libby Morris (Interim Senior Vice-President for Academic Affairs and Provost), J. Eugene Bottoms, Peter C. Griffith, Charles E. Hamner Jr., Ronald L. Vaughn, Maxine H. Burton, William B. Jones. Recipients Not Pictured: Norman Kirby Alton, Devron R. Averett, Richard T. Cupitt, Joel D. Haber, Karl E. Wycoff. For complete information on the first Alumni of Distinction Awards please visit the Graduate School online at: