Graduate School Donors
By: Cynthia Adams | Photos by: Nancy Evelyn
The Graduate School gratefully acknowledges all who have made a financial commitment to graduate education at the University of Georgia—from alumni to corporate sponsors to faculty and friends. By supporting graduate students, you are enabling research and creative works that affect so many facets of our lives. You are investing in our future and our children’s future, as well as our nation’s economy and security. You are also contributing to undergraduate education, enhancing our workforce and advancing discoveries that benefit us all.
Dean’s List of Donors to the University of Georgia Graduate School
July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012
Legacy Society (planned gifts)
Dr. Marc J. Ackerman
Dr. David C. Colman
Dr. Christopher G. Cooper
Mr. James E. DeLaPerriere
1910 Society ($50,000+)
Verizon Wireless
Laureate Society ($25,000-$49,999)
Dr. Sylvia McCoy Hutchinson
Benefactors ($10,000-$24,999)
C. Terry Hunt Industries, Inc.
CMB Wireless Group, LLC
Hopeline Account
Mr. Charles Terry Hunt and Ms. Mary Lynn Oliver Hunt
Dr. Louise McBee
Ms. Sheryl Sellaway
Verizon/Hopeline Nonprofit Fund
Dean’s Circle ($5,000-$9,999)
Mr. James E. Baine and Ms. Edith W. Baine
Ms. Carol Mathes Haley
Murphy Oil Corporation
Centennial Club ($1,000-$4,999)
Dr, Marc J Ackerman and Ms. Stephanie Ackerman
Dr. Lindsay Ross Boring and Dr. L. Katherine Kirkman
Dr. Michael B. Bunch and Ms. Kathryn C. Bunch
Dr. William Ford Calhoun
Dr. Max Terry Coffey and Ms. Elizabeth Strauss Coffey
Mr. Earl J. Connolly and Ms. Patricia A. Connolly
Mr. Xiaodong Du and Mr. Min He
Dr. Maureen Grasso and Mr. Andrew Rosen
Drs. Joseph William Hamer Jr. and Carol Elizabeth Hamer
Drs. Joseph Earl Hightower and Robin C. Hightower
Mr. Gregory A. Lanigan and Ms. Susan S. Lanigan
Ms. Miao Hsiang Lu
Mr. and Mrs. John F. McMullan
Prince Agri Products, Inc.
Shannon Foundation
Mr. Liam McMahon Shannon
Ms. Jane S. Wilson
Verizon Foundation
Graduate Club ($500-$999)
Ms. Dorinda Gilmore Dallmeyer and Dr. R. David Dallmeyer
Ms. Kathleen L. Davis
Ms. Mary Frances Early
Mr. Ronald L. Fritchley and Ms. Martha B. Fritchley
Ms. Hsin-Hsin Ho and Mr. Tak San Ho
Ms. Jia Liu
Drs. Melinda Birchmore Musick and Joseph G. Musick
Dr. Young Woong Park
Dr. William Alfred Person
Dr. Sangram Singh Sisodia and Dr. Diane Van Hoof-Sisodia
Dr. John Edward Stewart II
Dr. Brahm P. Verma and Ms. Sudha Verma
Dr. Lawrence Jeff Wheeler
Friends of the Graduate School ($100-499)
Mr. Dennis Julius Adams
Dr. and Mrs. Gilles O. Allard
Dr. Jacqueline Allison and Mr. Jerry D. Allison
Dr. Charles L. Andrews
Dr. Todd E. Arnold
Mr. Gerald Lynn Asher
Mr. William Balke and Ms. Elizabeth Balke
Dr. Benjamin Roswell Bates and Ms. Elizabeth Hunt Morley
Dr. and Mrs. Francis E. Beideman Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Benke
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Bertsch
Dr. and Mrs. George R. Biederman Jr.
Judge and Mrs. Joe C. Bishop
Mr. Henry Hugh Boyter Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. John G. Brewer
Mr. Matthew Livingstone Brodsky
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Brown Sr.
Ed K. Burton, LLC
Mr. Ed Keaton Burton
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Busby
Dr. and Mrs. Larry D. Caldwell
Mr. Larry M. Callaway and Ms. Helen M. Callaway
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Carlton
Dr. Gayle Renee Cawood and Mr. Frank W. Cawood
Ms. Diane Kathleen Cerjan
Dr. Wei Chen
Robert Chong, DPM Podiatric Physician and Surgeon
Dr. Robert K. Chong
Dr. and Mrs. Byoung K. Chun
Mr. William Hugh Cobb
Dr. Christopher George Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley G. Corbin
Dr. George Arthur Cozens
Dr. Betty Jean Craige
Mr. Albert C. Cunningham
Dr. Roy Jules Daigle and Ms. Kathryn G. Gradle
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Damiani Jr.
Mr. Walter Edward Dance Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Daniel
Deloitte Foundation
Dr. Juenchin Deng
Dr. Vikram Pratap Dhende
Diane Cerjan PSY D PC
Mr. and Mrs. Costantino D. DiFranco
Dr. Ako Doffou
Dr. Cecile Richter Doroff
Mr. James Murrah Draper
Dr. Delmer D. Dunn and Ms. Ann S. Dunn
Ms. Peggy Joyce East
Eli Lilly and Company Foundation
Dr. Lu Elrod
Ms. Martha Elton
Dr. Elizabeth L. Feely
Dr. William P. Flatt
Dr. Stephen Ray Flora
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Franklin
Ms. Paula H. Gault
Dr. Jennifer J. Gaver
Ms. Heather Manning Gillon
Dr. Brian A. Glaser
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Mr. Paul Gruber
Mr. James Ross Gurley
Mr. Paull Douglas Hale and Ms. Mary Anne Hale
Dr. Leslie Anne Hansen and Mr. Richard Hansen
Dr. and Mrs. Harold L. Hayes
Dr. Sue Womack Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Wade W. Herring
Mr. Ralph Ellis Hickman Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James F. Hill Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard K. Hill
Mr. Robert Ainsley Hilliard and Ms. Kim A. Buckey
Mr. and Mrs. Shelby B. Holmes Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam K. Holtzman
Dr. Jianzhong Huang
Ms. Andrea Lynn Hykes
Mr. Arthur Johnson and Ms. T’Leatha Renee Suitt-Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Jones
Dr. Gloria Lynn Jones
Ms. Kay H. Jones and Mr. Burke C. Jones
Drs. JoAnne and Samuel J. Juett III
Dr. Prasad V. G. Katakam
Dr. Cheick Mahamadou Cherif Keita and Ms. Maimouna Toure
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart W. Kent
Drs. Pamela Bradley Kleiber and Douglas A. Kleiber
Mr. and Mrs. Rafal Konopka
Dr. Anna P. Kroncke and Mr. Jason Michael Kyle Cochran
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Laine
Dr. Gordon Lee Larsen
Dr. Anderson Scott Leiper
Drs. Alice and Julian M. Libet
Mrs. Douglas Loving Lighthart
Drs. Zhulu Lin and Siew Hoon Lim
Ms. Joanne Lincoln
Ms. E. Marcia Mann
Dr. Louise Lunsford McCommons
Mr. J. Marshall McCranie and Ms. Susan Avery McCranie
Mr. James Hewitt McGown and Ms. Jane F. McGown
Mr. and Mrs. John D. McKay
Ms. Rae Dennis McWhirter and Mr. T. F. McWhirter Jr.
Dr. Noel Mark Meltzer
Dr. Shaila Maria Miranda
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Mitchell
Mr. Joseph Anderson Montgomery
Mr. Edgar Ray Moore Jr.
Mr. Bradford Thomas Morton
Ms. Kathy Jane Bible Mullen
Dr. Thomas George Nemetz and Ms. Susan Hopkins Nemetz
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Nesbit
Dr. Gert Nesin
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham T. Ninan
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Nipper Jr.
Dr. Se Kyung Oh
Dr. Sharon Kay O’Kelley
Ms. Rose Ann Taylor Pace
Drs. Clifton W. and Sylvia H. Pannell
Mr. James Harvey Patterson and Dr. Judith Patterson
Dr. and Mrs. Vivekananda Penumetcha
Dr. Helen Noel Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Piper
Dr. Joe Fagan Pittman Jr. and Ms. Jennifer L. Kerpelman
Mr. Joseph D. Procopio
Dr. Norman Hill Rahn III and Ms. Connie Crawford-Rahn
Dr. and Mrs. Prabhu Rajagopalan
Dr. and Mrs. Madis Raukas
Dr. Carol Anne Reeves
Dr. and Mrs. Taikyun Rho
Dr. and Mrs. Paul G. Robertie
Ms. Cathy Anne Robison and Mr. John M. Coggeshall
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Rogers
Ms. Wendie Ruffner
Mr. and Mrs. Leo M. Sable
Ms. Dorothy Nell Sampson
Mr. and Mrs. Marc D. Schneiderman
Ms. Joan V. Schneier
Dr. Cynthia Anne Searcy and Mr. Timothy P. McGonigle
Ms. Joanne M. Sharpe
Dr. and Mrs. Terry L. Sheehan
Dr. Eleanor Kyle Sikes
Dr. Ronald D. Simpson
Mr. James Andrew Sommerville and Ms. Frances Duggan Sommerville
Ms. Chanida Sonamai
Dr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Speckmann
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Stolzenbach
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Strickland
Mr. Sujeeth Thirumalai
*Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Thompson
Dr. Mary Lane Branch Todd and Mr. Daniel Boyd Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Tyler
Dr. Robert Ray VanKirk
Mr. Ravi Shankar Vermuri
Dr. Duke Elvin Wagner
LTC and Mrs. William A. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Wilbanks
Dr. W. Thomas Wilfong
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Williams
Ms. Faith Jenine Woodley
Dr. Ruth Naomi Wrightstone
Dr. and Mrs. Shiow-Shong Yang
Mr. Ronald George Young
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Youngblood
Ms. Irene Zaffos
Dr. Alla Petrova Zareva
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Zawalski
Dr. Tingyao Zheng and Ms. Youlian Lillian Zhu

Description: Archway to Excellence Faculty & Staff Capital Campaign – Sylvia Hutchinson
Why I Give
By: Sylvia Hutchinson
I always wonder about this question. How can we NOT give to the University of Georgia programs? It is really quite a selfish gesture for me. It gives me so much pleasure to contribute to programs that support the learning and growth of undergraduate and graduate students. I was the recipient of financial AND academic AND emotional support from the graduate faculty and staff when I was a student at UGA. It only seems right and natural that I would want to give so others could have that same support. For all my years of study (and the years since my graduations), the University of Georgia has been my extended family. It seems only right to
join in the building process. UGA students are exceptional today. They go all over the world to speak, to perform, to compete with students from other institutions, to research and solve problems, and to share what they have discovered. They carry the banner of UGA, and we are the better for their representation of our institution. The most obvious and most satisfying way for me to show my pride and support of today’s students is to make financial contributions to the programs that support their achievements. What a joy to be a member of this UGA Graduate

Terry and Mary Lynn Oliver Hunt with Holly Gallagher at scholarship reception.
The Mary Lynn Oliver Hunt and Matthew Alan Hunt Graduate Studies Fellowship in English Announced
This past fall, Terry Hunt, member of the Graduate Education Advancement Board, contributed a memorable gift on the occasion of his 44th wedding anniversary. The “gift that keeps on giving,” as Dean Maureen Grasso observed, established a new graduate fellowship at the University of Georgia. The fellowship’s namesakes are Hunt’s wife and fellow graduate, Mary Lynn Oliver Hunt, and son, Matthew Alan Hunt.
The surprise endowment was announced August 31, 2012 during the Dean’s Research Award reception on the UGA campus. The first recipient, Holly Gallagher, is in the department of English.
Tom Wilfong, director of development for the Graduate School, says the fellowship as an anniversary present was a first. “Working with Terry Hunt on this new fellowship was a great pleasure for me. His principal goal was to honor his wife on the occasion of their 44th wedding anniversary. In order to surprise Mary Lynn, he wanted to keep the gift completely confi dential
until the moment it was announced. Another goal was to support graduate education at the University of Georgia through the establishment of the new fellowship.”
Wilfong says the Hunts have a special impetus to make this gift. Both the Hunts earned UGA degrees as did two of their four sons. “As incoming chair of the Graduate Education Advancement Board, Terry understands the critical relationship between fellowship support and
quality graduate programs. He told me on several occasions that he owes his success in business to the University of Georgia, and he wants to give back whenever and however he can.”
Terry Hunt is CEO of Hunt Industries in Valdosta, Ga. (For further reading on the Hunts, see the Centennial Edition of the Graduate School Magazine, Summer 2010.)