To Wish Upon a Distant Star: The Far-Sighted Vision of Renata Cumbee
To Wish Upon a Distant Star: The Far-Sighted Vision of Renata Cumbee

By Cynthia Adams

Renata Cumbee is a scientist, but one who can talk about astrophysics in poetic ways.

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Science Café: Getting a Bang out of Science
Science Café: Getting a Bang out of Science

By Cynthia Adams

“Talking about the origins of the universe in 30 minutes is kind of ludicrous,” he began. “But at least it will give you an idea of the famous Big Bang theory.”

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A Man with a Fiduciary Mission: Michael Gene Thomas
A Man with a Fiduciary Mission: Michael Gene Thomas

By Cynthia Adams

A David and Goliath battle for financial equity for the poor is one fight he seriously plans to win.

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No Small Matter: Whitney Ingram’s Big Dream  and the Beauty of the Infinitely Small
No Small Matter: Whitney Ingram’s Big Dream and the Beauty of the Infinitely Small

By Cynthia Adams

When is the precise moment when someone decides to become a scientist?

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Fully Tested: Danielle Jensen-Ryan and Her Fight Against BRCA
Fully Tested: Danielle Jensen-Ryan and Her Fight Against BRCA

By Cynthia Adams

Danielle Jensen-Ryan’s childhood was shadowed by the specter of cancer. Now it had reared its head again—but it was not, she said firmly, going to stop her.

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Scarcities & Conflict: Written in the Water
Scarcities & Conflict: Written in the Water

By Cynthia Adams

Water is a precious, little-understood asset. Whereas water scarcities were once unknown, they are now sharply familiar in this century.

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Graduate Research on Display at South Georgia Event
Graduate Research on Display at South Georgia Event

By Cynthia Adams

The University of Georgia’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES), Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources and the Graduate School jointly hosted a graduate research event, focusing specifically on research conducted in South Georgia.

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