A Message from Suzanne Barbour, Dean
Greetings from Athens!
Another Graduate Commencement is in the books! We were very fortunate to have Denise Spangler, the newly appointed Dean of the UGA College of Education as our commencement speaker. She inspired our graduates to stay involved, give back, and exercise their right to vote.
The individuals highlighted in this issue exemplify Dean Spangler’s lessons. They include Nikki Hoffman, who has overcome personal obstacles to aspire to a career helping those with concussive injuries; Double Dawg and doctoral student Scott Messer who is involved in efforts to preserve a bit of Georgia’s history; and current doctoral student Russell Ingram who turned a personal career exploration into an important resource for career development of his fellow students. Kay Parker is perhaps the greatest personification of Dean Spangler’s lesson about giving back. Her kindness has enriched the lives of countless international graduate students during their time at UGA.
I hope you will enjoy these stories and the others in this issue. In the words of Dean Spangler, our graduate students are “…..a very special group of people”. It is our privilege to work with and share the stories of these special individuals with you.
Suzanne Barbour
P.S. Please don’t forget to view enhanced content on the digital magazine site gradmag.uga.edu.
Denise Spangler, the new dean of UGA’s College of Education, addressed the 265 doctoral candidates and 993 specialist degree students at Commencement this May.
“You have an education. A graduate education. You are, indeed, a very special group of people,” she said. “You can use your privilege, because that’s what an education gives you. Regardless of your race or gender, your education puts you in a place of privilege.”
Graduated student Summer Kanoelani Kauhane Burnett from Hawaii. Burnett received a Masters of Accountancy degree and has accepted a position with Ernst and Young in their Honolulu office.