A message from Suzanne Barbour, Dean:

Hello from Athens!

I hope your spring and early summer are going well. Spring is such a beautiful time here in Athens! I imagine you remember it well: warm days with low humidity and bright blue skies; the beautiful azaleas that give way to magnolias and eventually crepe myrtles, and yes, the “yellow dust” (pollen) that covers every surface.

This edition of the magazine is reminiscent of the beautiful palette of colors that is spring in Athens. Like the spring colors, the stories are diverse—from the artistic collaboration of Andrea Trombetta and Hanna Lisa Stefansson to Carolin Maney Purser’s investigations into the determinants of human security, to David Stanley’s commitment to mentoring the next generation of scholars. Each of these stories documents the blossoming of a new scholar, reminiscent of the amazing display that we’ve seen in our local trees and flowers. Other stories focus on interactions between UGA graduate students and their communities, through the Three Minute Thesis competition, Masters of Fine Art Exit Show, and Tiny House movement. These stories remind us that the majesty of an Athens spring is only possible through collaboration and interdependence—flowers don’t bloom without the sunshine and blue skies and even the pesky pollen plays its role to make certain that we will have another explosion of color next spring.

Another development consistent with rebirth and spring is related to the format of our magazine. With this edition, we are launching the digital version of the Graduate School magazine (renamed “UGA Graduate”). From now on, the Summer edition of the Graduate School magazine will be distributed in digital format only and the fall edition will be distributed in both hard copy and digital formats. This distribution strategy allows our Forest Stewardship Council certified magazine to be even more environmentally friendly and will also afford us the opportunity to provide you with the kinds of enhanced content that can be delivered through a digital platform.

I hope you enjoy this edition as much as I have. I never cease to be amazed by the accomplishments of our talented graduate students.

Suzanne Barbour